.:Welcome This is my personal website. I've made it specially for me to vent and to write about what I feel and think. Like everyone, sometimeswe feel mad, angry, upset, unwanted, yanno all those feelings that really suck.
I really needed this site cause I want to start since now to make webpages even though me and everyone knows I suck! but I want to start since now because this what I'm planning to study. I want to be a great webmaster. I hope I'll be someday!
In this page you'll see a lot of things about me. Duh, obviously it's a personal site and of course you'll see a lot of things of my friends. There's gonna be a lot of pictures for you to see.
I'll be updating very frequently. I'll be changing layouts very frequently.
I'll be looking for cliques, fanlistings and links. Since I just started this site, it's still under construction.
[Mary] [meowed at 05:02 PM]